CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


Honor: 40    [ Give / Take ]


56 entries this month

21:07 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 667

Tonight my mission is to get my co-worker SHITFACED. She is the one I gave mechanic boy the number to. He's been a PMS'ing bitch with her all week because in his mind, she's interested in him.

But that gives too much info to the drama lama. Suffice to say, that for the headache I've caused I promised her lots of booze. Tonight is a friend's stag and doe, so I'm taking her on the ticket I had for mechanic boy, and I'm buying her copious amounts of booze. This means, she wins for fun time with lots of people, and my friends win as they raise money for their wedding... and I win for not feeling like the world's biggest ass for not dealing with the issue.

Wait, that isn't fair. I did deal with the issue, and I did act in a manner that was LESS stressful. But I still feel bad that the boy's behaviour has shown that he has a bigger vagina than most women, and lordy does he whine.

Time for him to man up and out.

Time for me to enjoy the weekend.

And time to let it all fall where it will.

But for the moment, there is BOOZE!




15:02 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 668

Well thank goodness that subsided. Really it was a horrible feeling, I get that sometimes bad things happen. But feeling like it is following you, and you have no idea where it is coming from... yuck.

It's sunny, beautiful... and I'm going to have another cup of coffee then get ready for worky work. Today I wear my new Harley Davidson t-shirt that I bought at the Harley store last night during the garage party.

Now I have the info... I just need to sign up for the class I will know how to ride a motorcycle! WOOO :)




00:16 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 677

I have the worst case of anxiousness EVER. And I have no idea where the HELL it is coming from.


Just grrr.




You know you wanna!

15:53 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 690




15:14 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 694

Last minute changes and flexibility for the SAVE!

Yesterday half way through the day, I had a major let down. As in our primary sponsor, changed the date for the event we are "piggy backing"... what's worse, they forgot to tell me.



Well what really flipping sucks about this, is the original date would have been perfect, as it was the saturday after Garry's birthday. The new date is the second week in August. Boo.

However, our sponsor was fine with whatever we choose; but did say, "I really think you should change the date." As in they wanted us to continue to piggy back. Which is a major thing given the nature of this business, the impact they have on the community- and the support they give us, also gives us credibility.

My biggest issue was a few of Garry's friends I know are attached to the day. Hell, it was like someone took all the oxygen from the room when I was told the date changed. But my committee and I were all unanimous to keep the day with this event. If we do exceedingly well, then next year we will look at potentially doing our own date. But that is WAY more organization, and right now is too much for me. Luckily the certain friend I was most concerned with, also agreed with the date change...

Then one of my/Garry's friends sent a text that basically read: don't count on anyone showing up. I almost lost it. Yes, I have BIG goal. However, it is DOABLE if we get sponsors. It is also a GOAL. I'm not counting on all of Garry's friends to "be there", but I am counting on a majority of them to buy a T-shirt or a patch, or both as we will have pre-sale for almost three months. I have done the numbers. Typically when I do numbers I am only off by 10-15%. Usually I exceed by 25-30%, this is my THING. Anyways, he called me and explained he just didn't want me hurt if I couldn't do the numbers I wanted.... which I totally get. Hell this friend had to watch Garry do the same things, and watch him fail, fall and then pick himself up to do this again and again. I get it... and appreciate his concern...

SO. Poker Run: Now on August 11, 2012. All the art work is mostly completed. Outlines of designs for posters, T-shirts and patches are done. Now I need sponsors, ride organization, stops, prizes and volunteers. Whew.




20:50 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 706

Talk about a day that cunt punts you. Wow.





15:00 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 717


And it's sunny, and I just had my ass handed to me...

And I have tons of chores...

But I slept in till 8:45!

But I have most my laundry done!

But the weenies and I will go walkies!





00:22 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 733

I really hope I'm wrong. I do not want douchbaggery like this in my life. WOW.

That is all I've got to say.

Oh, lack of RESPONSIBILITY. Yup that sums it up.




15:27 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 739

It is interesting how at various times in our lives we will make excuses for what we will/will not tolerate.

Recently I met a man who had many similar qualities to my friend that passed. I was very wary of this person, as it was an instant connection and I did not want what previously happened to be in my reasoning at all.

Well this weekends, events unfolded in such a manner that were eerie with how similar they were to previous happenings. However, unlike before where I owed it to the person to put up with their shit (they had after all put up with mine for YEARS), this time I shut the door and am moving on.

No tears, no resentment, nothing. It is sad that I have to loose a connection such as this. After all they have been so FEW in my life. However, I owe it to myself to take care of me first and then to worry about the other at some other point. I have to be honest. It feels good. VERY good.

And no I'm not waiting for them to contact me, I am simply doing everything I need to do in the time that I NEED to.




00:58 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 756

Sometimes I don't know why I bother to hope for some of the simple things. I am so easily hurt and disappointed.




14:42 Mar 24 2012
Times Read: 780

Do I really strike you as the type that gives a flying f what I'm rated? Rate and be gone. You're revisiting over and over is just stupidity.

Here's a tip just from me to you: your rating doesn't change magnatude until you level up. Why not wait a bit, that way you'll "hurt me more". Whatever.

This has been a purely pointless journal entry thanks to a steak breakfast after crew and my being simply tired and annoyed in general.




Morning shenanigans

13:31 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 793

There is something amusing to the soul watching the pups chase each other and play. Egon loves to show Winston how he can jump on the couch (while Winston still needs assistance) then once they are both on the couch will play. Typically this is until Winston knocks Egon down, or he'll just jump down. Soon the sound of squeakers is heard as Egon taunts Winston with all the squeaky toys on the floor... And so it will start again.




22:32 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 818

Guess who just got their ass handed to them, not only by her business coach, but also her co-worker?

Yup it would be me.


While what they want me to do is what I would say my ideal is... it is SCARY AS SHIT.

They want me to work three days a week, OR four days with one week off every month.

Oh lord, I'm hyperventilating.

Excited, nervous (I've seen exactly how this can work in my extreme benefit) but... there is the small nagging voice....

Looks like there are more big changes than I even realized.




22:57 Mar 21 2012
Times Read: 829

So last night was quite a bit unexpected.

Mechanic boy messaged me out of the blue. Not really. I had the urge the night before to text him, but because I deleted his number I did not. My house mate said, oh don't worry, he'll text you.

Which he did, and so we met up for a few beers after I finished work. Was a great night, we'll see if it repeats in future- probably too much was said (you know those times when both people have had a lot happening?) but overall it was very nice.

Sadly we drank three pitchers before calling it a night.

This morning I was farting up a storm. Not what I normally do, these were gut wrenching farts, and loud no matter what I did. Not smelly thank god, but STILL -.- Add to that my hang over...

I didn't do my morning meetings as I had planned.

I still right now feel like poo. Thankfully farting stopped after the morning. But why? Why did my body revolt so?

Remember my complaints about gluten and basically eating grain free? What is beer?

OMG it tried to kill me


I is sad. No more than one beer for me, because OMG I am not repeating the Overture of 1812 with my ass- EVER again.





15:20 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 840

OK. Let's get running on this day.

I have a list that seems never ending, but let's start with the small steps.



COFFEE! *Heh* just had to say that, but yes to coffee...

Why do I keep posting this random stuff here? I simply need to keep myself moving when all I want to do is 1. hide, 2. procrastinate, 3. forget.

That can't happen. Yes I can be overwhelmed, and seem to be in a state of that right now. Still I know that anything worth doing has to be done piece by piece. It is slow tedious and frustrating.

However I will do it, I've done much tougher things in the past. This time however, it is on my own. Not to say I don't have awesome support. I do. But this, simply can't be done by a group. A committee, and support is in place; but the ground hitting- negotiations, that simply needs to have an ending point.

I'm rambling. Time to ramble off to work. Perhaps then it will be a little more clear to me, what exactly it is that I'm trying to express and am failing to.




02:08 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 857

Ok simply because it is funny.... How nervous was I about today

So nervous I put my underwear on SIDEWAYS o.O

How the HELL do you do that

And how is it I drove 5 hours and several bathroom stops and I am JUST NOW noticing! o.O

Forget it... I just... wow. lol




01:26 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 861

I had a nice visit with Garry`s Dad and Step-mom, ended up being a much longer visit than I expected. But all systems are go, and now I just have to get those sponsors.

Here goes nothing...

But first some serenity, wine and food... in some sort of order of such.




04:08 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 876

Matthew- rest in peace. It's been over 10 years since we worked together in a small Seattle Theatre, but news that you are gone simply breaks my hearts. Rest in peace Matthew. And give 'em hell for your curtain call.




15:11 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 882

Got a new design from our artist, as the main drawing he had originally conceptualized did not work.

He flipping nailed it with this conceptual sketch. Here is to hoping that from sketch to actual art it becomes more awesome. Which I think it will.

So we now have the back of the T-shirt, the limited edition logos, and soon will have the front of the shirt. Today I reprint our sponsor packages, and hopefully have them out and gaining sponsors as of the end of next week.

But first I have to get through tomorrow. Ugg. I am dreading it in so many ways. But it will work out, I have numerous plans in place and I`m sure it won`t be exactly how I want, but that is simply how these things go.

OK day of planning, organizing and work - GO!




21:33 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 898

I love days like today... had a client come in with broken water but contractions only ever 20 min. After treatment I had her down to every 5 min, then after she saw the massage therapist, she was down to 2 min.

She's having a baby tonight! :D





17:47 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 902

It is going to be the name of this game. I know this is going to be a bear of a project. Hell look at the weeks it's taken just to have what little I have in place so far.

Honestly though, I am hoping it gets a little easier as the time goes on. It should.

Not the month prior. But once I just have to hit the pavement. Right now it is this, then that... then back to this to make adjustments, think of sponsors and try to make everyone happy.

Next I have to pull more people from the community in. But I also have to make it clear that this needs to be AWESOME. So I have to go back to our artist, as he cut and pasted the first picture to make our primary logo. The problem is, is that this now makes it out of proportion, and honestly it looks bad. You know how something is so close it looks WORSE? Yuh, it's that... the almost, so it really sucks. The other is awesome, but in all honesty- will only be done for pre-sale/limited edition. This is the "mass appeal" T-shirt and it is the one that COUNTS.

Garry's friends may disagree, and that is where I have to separate what we like to what will sell and NOT be offensive to anyone. Limited edition being offensive, I am pretty sure I can get sponsors behind that. But all around offensive, and sadly we will not make our goal.

I'm really nervous about approaching the family. There is a complexity there that could destroy this project. Not in the sense of maliciousness, but more in the reasoning why I am keeping it to "board" of advisers and when 3 of the four of us say something... I HAVE to consider change/compromise. Just that simple.

Uggg. I feel like my brain is full and that I'm in overdrive. I NEED to work out, but I'm also in the process of stopping a bad habit, and well. It's going to be a long weekend. Wish me luck as it isn't even Friday.





00:37 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 925

Second celebrity confirmed.... OMG OMG OMG...

Just WOW.




22:31 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 933

I have the sponsorship packets done.

Sunday I go to his family and ask permission to use his name/let them know what are goals are and what they can expect to see in the next few months.

I suddenly wonder as time holds still exactly what potential it is that I see/feel with this.

Does it really matter? Because it is creating real connections. And that is so very powerful in the synergy and momentum it gives to all involved.




23:23 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 940

I am completely deflated today.

Look for me tomorrow. I think I just need to sleep, a lot.




02:58 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 956

Love seems to be blossoming everywhere. So I've talked about the artist for our event... it seems he and the housemate are developing quite the connection. Bonus- it is AMAZING to watch. Makes me giggle, in happiness for them.

Add to it, she introduced a mutual friend of hers, to one of ours and BOOM- another connection.

Heh, I'm going to need some popcorn because otherwise the saccharine is gonna make me ill :P

Seriously though, how can you see real connections and not just smile and feel good? It simply is wonderful :)




19:30 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 964

I want a nap, but I'll cam instead.

be there or I will drink all the coffee and sleep :P




08:14 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 968

So my friend went into the hospital again tonight, nothing serious- thank goodness, just has a new rx tonight and hopefully the situation changes. He had a surgery at the beginning of the week that has hit him harder than he's letting on, but over all is in better spirits now that it is over and he knows he's going to be ok.

I'm canceling my 8am appointment once I log out of here and I'm going to bed wondering what toys I want to buy from my friend's fantasia party that she had downstairs tonight... I do think I need some of the chocolate body paint... and possibly a few other things. But I must wait until my pay day... then I can play ^.^




20:37 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 979

My butt hurts.

Yoga beat me.

Did I mention my butt hurts? :(




17:32 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 990

Yesterday was one of those surreal days. I met with our first corporate sponsor and found out several aspects of what they want/require from us.

Key thing is- without them, this will fail. That they are behind us, is AWESOME. After going over somethings that THEY suggested, one of the group was upset. It was implied that I didn't understand Garry, and that they should take over because their friends could do better. Keep in mind this person is the one that WANTED us to approach this sponsor in the first place. What they were upset with, would have alienated our sponsor's customers. We want their customers.

Hell, I want ANYONE who is willing to donate to come. There is a very large goal I have set for this event, very ambitious... but if I pull resources and include as many people as possible, it is DOABLE. Only if I keep open to what and who will donate.

So one more realization with this. Some of the people Garry loved, will feel this is not for them. There is no way around this. The event is to raise money in Garry's name. At the same point, I want it to be something that people who come, do not have to know Garry, but simply have to understand how this effects our community. If I have to exclude 12 people so I have have 24 others, I will have to go with what will bring people there.

Lastly, I have to make a trip next weekend. While I have someone who has said they approached his family, it became clear last night in our committee meeting, I need to also do this. They need to be honored with the knowledge because I know Garry would have wanted that. It is what is right, and I can't let friend's opinions of his interactions cloud doing what is right.

Overall, it is coming together in the most amazing way. I have help that continues to amaze me and support me when I feel completely deflated and defeated.

I am exceedingly grateful.




16:20 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 993

How bad is it when you have to drink a cup of coffee to GO to sleep?

Don't answer that, I really, REALLY don't want to know.




14:45 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 999

Seriously not pleased. Pups were up till two am. Then got up at six only to make holy hell noises outside, then up at 7:30 then would not settle down, and now... are potentially going to let me sleep.

I needed it last night.... Uggg. K I try to sleep now.




04:53 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 1,004

Today I am grateful for YOU.

Tonight I will be grateful to sleep. And not have set wake up time.

Tomorrow I will be grateful, because today was simply to amazing.




00:47 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 1,029

Yoga WILL happen tonight!

I am sitting here at work specifically so that I WILL go. Tomorrow I attempt to get up at 5:30 so I can do yoga at 6.

Meeting at 9:30 tomorrow... it is then we find out the missing pieces.





19:08 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 1,032

WOOO did my coaching paperwork.

I'm taking a NAP!

Go me! Rah... zzzzzz




16:14 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 1,041

THAT is a HUGE relief.

Less complex.

Less complex is better.

Lord someone turn off my brain! o.O

Still I wonder... hats...??? Maybe? Hmmmm.

*bangs head against desk*




04:16 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 1,048

I wonder what you would be thinking now, what kind of advise you would give me.

There is so much I've been digging to find and some has been located and articulated.

But damn if I don't just want to go over things with you.




02:47 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 1,065


Wanna play?! >:)

I've got interested models *nervously waits to see if she falls into trap. errr, bait... damn that's wrong too*




22:29 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 1,068

Endorsement letter came today.

I'm "shopping" for our wish list so I have everything when I go try to find sponsors to cover our costs.

I meet with a local friend who does MASSIVE amounts of fundraising in our community in an hour.


The date has been announced.

I feel like I'm swimming, only there isn't any water.

I will do this. I will NOT hide, but I will DO THIS.

Truthfully I love the behind the scene work. Hopefully I can stay in the "side lines" and still make this fanfucktingabulous.

Ok. Breath, eat and then....




15:53 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 1,085

We use our power in so many ways.

This video is one way that we CAN change our world. Watch it, listen, and see how what we passively say can lead to changing our world.

Thoughts are things...




04:06 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 1,093

So yoga didn't happen, work lasted too long. But my house mate seems to have met a really TRULY nice man ^.^

I'm so excited for her :D




00:47 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 1,101

So today was primarily a work day. That said I sent out some emails to "celebrity" in the area to see if they will be able/willing to pose in the poker run t-shirts when we get them.

Here is to hoping.

The pups were demon doggies this am... ALL OVER THE PLACE, breaking things, chewing things o.O

You would think that I had not been home in WEEKS. So I ran them silly, and then they were like "wha? we iz cute" ^.^ little demon tard buckets. heh.

Today I will go to yoga- NO MATTER WHAT. Time for me to really start taking care of myself and since I'm not in pain from the angina, it is past time. I have to admit I'm a little concerned because of how fatigued I am, but that won't change until I start movin' it.




It's so fluffy I'm going to DIE!!!

03:47 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 1,116





03:01 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 1,121



01:58 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 1,129

When all else fails, there is spiced rum and frozen fruit.

Add a blender and you have *perfection*





04:09 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 1,146

I meant to go to bed two hours ago. o.O

I shoo now, don't bother me.




03:19 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 1,149

I sometimes forget how amazing my life has been. How much I have seen/done and will continue to do.

It is small status updates from friends who have not had the privilege or ability to do things that I simply have taken for granted. Life truly is extraordinary... even when it comes in ordinary packages.




14:16 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 1,167

If you could have one day, consequence free, to do or say whatever you wanted what would you do/say?

A friend posed this question on FB and I simply don't want to answer it because for me, I would not change my words. A few actions, yes.

But if I had not held my tongue, if I had not gone through the pain, I would simply not know the truth. Yes much of my situation could have changed, but I believe it would have been putting the outcome off for just a bit.

Would it have been nice? Absolutely.

But I know it still would have happened.

That is why, I am grateful for what I have and have not said. I did not leave one once of emotion or feeling from being expressed in some manner in all my learning. My growth has been a summing of forty years of experience.

Most importantly, I have learned, harboring such thoughts does nothing but hold you back, and prevents you from what you want. If you do regret, say from now on what you truly mean. Say it at the right time when you truly know what it is. Act when it is the right time... otherwise, enjoy your life. The defining moments will find you when you least expect them.




21:58 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 1,177

Many ask me questions on sugar... here is a good article to consider:





16:53 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 1,186

Many people don't see a true ethical dilemma in how business is run. Right now I'm having it shake me to my core in the organization of this year's fundraising.

With the economic situation that many people find themselves in, how do you care but still maintain your own status. By status I mean; rent, bills, and other costs of living. What to you might be basic, to another could seem exorbitant.

It is easy to want to give and give and give... but what is harder is how do you draw ethical lines to make certain that others are taken care of too. In looking at this, I am looking at cost bottom line. But I am also trying to leave the door open to local business' to donate in the hopes that it will encourage that I don't have to go to the bottom line.

Seems silly?

I don't think so. These business' need to run, and to do so, need to sell product. My hope and intent is by getting them to donate product, we can get the public to use their services. That stated, it is hard.

This is a first year for the event. And I know I will be able to bring in "sales" I also know that much of my reach is beyond just this area (but I have extensive in this area too). So how do I tread this line? Going for the cheaper dollar amount? Or using local and doing exactly what I wanted by supporting the community.

I'm hoping for a few answers when I meet with the first sponsor (they are helping me organize) and then from there I will have more of "what we need" to make certain this goes well.

Then there is what I consider even more important, "how do we use the money raised to ensure that the MAXIMUM dollar goes to this charity? What kind of book-keeping, bank accounts, organization have to be done to make sure every penny is accounted for- and more importantly so that the public trusts us?"

Big questions, that can lead to some very slippery slopes if not truly explored and thought of.

Make no mistake- this is a BIG project. Overwhelming. Totally worth it.

Right now, I simply sit here, getting lost in the myriad of questions, trying to formulate the best answers possible.




04:41 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 1,202

The first sketches are in...


A friend's husband, she and myself all got teary at them as the artist has bang on gotten Garry's expression down.

I need to breath, as this is all going so fast, and I'm so very excited.

I also found bands that we will get to sell - will be black rubber that have "Fuck Cancer" embossed on them with silver glitter (if they had chrome I would have done those)... and am thinking the purple ones will be glow in the dark and will say: FreaK Memorial Poker run or something of the sort.

There simply is SO much that needs to be done... so many little details... but right now, I'm so very excited, as there might be a few more ways to get people involved...

This can be done... It will not overwhelm me, and I will not slack on my business to do it.

But first. I need a true night of sleep. It's been about a week. Night y'all.




11:35 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 1,210

Women's breakfast and auction is this morning... opened five minutes ago, and I'm leaving in another five.


Last early am of this week!




00:43 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 1,214

I am seriously crashing from the endorphine high of today.


Like I don't want to finish with my clients on the table!

*sigh* I go now, I go now *pout*





19:42 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,225


First sponsor- verbal confirmation!


Yuh I'm a geek :P




16:49 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,248

I've been thinking about this for a while. The issue as I see it, is not what skin is being shown, but a lack of disrespect.

How many of us have seen men with O.o WHAT?! photos and privately laughed etc about it? I know I have.

Now with a woman, and having posted a number of "pervy" shots of myself- I do still get offended at the comments. Why?

Because these same men would NEVER say it to my face. How I hold myself and the respect I have for myself seems to keep it at bay. And online, my friends still will comment, but not in a disrespectful manner.

If we TRULY want equal, we should be demanding that the MEN step up and start being respectful. Comment, but be polite. I'm sick and tired of women taking the blame because they posted something they are proud and SHOULD be proud of, when the bad behaviour came from the response- not the posting.

It's like the argument that a woman "wanted it" because she dressed like a whore. Thank you, that has lead to nationwide slut walks in both Canada and the US. Time for our virtual environment to start educating and making the same change in thought.

If we ever want to be equal, we should be able to be buck ass naked, and not fear for our safety. Period.

Perhaps a little less judgement on all our parts and some true TOLERANCE is needed from both sides. Stop excusing bad behaviour and start demanding respect.

*I need more coffee*




Did I mention I'm excited?! ^.^

16:30 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,250

It's a tad early... but I'm too excited not to share... Go here:


Now the author, is also the artist of the cover of this book. I've actually seen his hand drawings (sent my housemate an autographed copy with a picture for her)...

HE IS DONATING HIS ART for my project. DONATING! I am so very... OMG AHHHHH! ♥

Now, if you like sci-fi... download the kindle edition of the book! Part of what my project will be doing my best to support those who are supporting this, because without them- there would be NO PROJECT.




15:59 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,252

I finally had a night where I went to bed at a somewhat decent hour and now I'm just feeling "trashed"... these things happen. Tomorrow I start getting everything in place... and for the next few months- I suspect a blur.


I can't express how badly I've needed something external to stimulate my thoughts. Work is hard- when I'm there. And I have a bit to go with where I want to go. However, I seem to do better with more than "one" project. With only one, I get lazy... or I procrastinate more.

Typically I have two or three projects. But right now, I think this is a good place to get me "going" again.



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